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Pureco Pearl Sealer - White

Pureco Pearl Sealer - White

Regular price $30.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 AUD
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Pureco Pearl Sealer - White adds a touch of subtle lustre with a satin finish. It is a water-based and easy-to-use topcoat. 

Non-Yellowing, No VOC, Eco-friendly formula.

Can be used over:
Chalk Finish - Chalk Paint
Silk Finish - All in one mineral Paint
Milk Paint
Raw & Stained timber

Perfect for sealing transfers, decoupage and stencils. Can also be used as a decoupage medium.


  1. Clean your surface and ensure it's dry and free from dust.
  2. Shake your product well or stir well before use. Always decant a small amount of product to avoid contaminating your jar. Always do a small test patch first to ensure it is the desired finish and compatible with the paint/stain (of another brand) that you are sealing.
  3. Apply your first coat using an application sponge, brush, roller, cloth, or spray. I personally use & recommend rolling with a Two Fussy Blokes roller or one of our Application Sponges. Use long even motions and avoid drips, spills, or pools of the product for the best result. Tip: If your surface is one colour for example all white or all black add a small drop of your paint to your topcoat and mix well, this will help reduce any streaks and produce a beautiful finish.
  4. Allow to fully dry before applying your second coat. No more than two coats should be required. Touch dry in 30 Minutes (at 25 °C) ; Re-coat in 4 Hours(at 25 °C).

Selecting the best finish for your project can be a confusing and challenging process. Check out our quick and easy Finishes information guide to help you in your decision-making process. Get your copy here

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