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Pureco Glitter Sealer

Pureco Glitter Sealer

Regular price $30.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 AUD
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Pureco Glitter Sealer brings the glitz and the glam with a glittery satin finish. It is a water-based and easy-to-use topcoat. 

Please note that it drys clear though you will still see the glitter - over dark colours it may look streaky depending on the application.

Non-Yellowing, No VOC, Eco-friendly formula.

Can be used over:
Chalk Finish - Chalk Paint
Silk Finish - All-in-one mineral Paint
Milk Paint
Raw & Stained timber

Perfect for sealing transfers, decoupage and stencils.


  1. Clean your surface and ensure it's dry and free from dust.
  2. Shake your product well or stir well before use. Always decant a small amount of product to avoid contaminating your jar. Always do a small test patch first to ensure it is the desired finish and compatible with the paint/stain (of another brand) that you are sealing. 
  3. Apply your first coat using an application sponge, brush, roller, cloth, or spray. I personally use & recommend rolling with a Two Fussy Blokes roller or one of our Application Sponges. Use long even motions and avoid drips, spills, or pools of the product for the best result. Tip: If your surface is one colour for example all white or all black add a small drop of your paint to your topcoat and mix well, this will help reduce any streaks and produce a beautiful finish.
  4. Allow to fully dry before applying your second coat. No more than two coats should be required. Touch dry in 30 Minutes (at 25 °C) ; Re-coat in 4 Hours(at 25 °C). 

Selecting the best finish for your project can be a confusing and challenging process. Check out our quick and easy Finishes information guide to help you in your decision-making process. Get your copy here

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